Narayan Hegde considers cycling to be the most powerful way to enjoy life.

Last Updated on August 10, 2024

Uncover Narayan Hegde’s journey from a software project manager to an avid recreational cyclist. Explore the challenges and joys he faces, and his tips for aspiring cyclists to enjoy the health benefits of this exhilarating activity.

Everyone has their own interests—whether it’s riding a bike, taking long drives, shopping, reading, painting or any other activity. But for this man, the passion is cycling! In the bustling city of Bangalore, INDIA where the fast-paced life often takes a toll on health, a growing number of professionals are turning to cycling as a means of recreation and fitness. Among them is Narayan Hegde, a 42-year-old project manager in a leading software company. Originally from Kumta (Now residing in Bangalore) Uttara Kannada, INDIA, Narayan’s journey as a recreational cyclist began in 2013 and has since become an integral part of his life.

How the Journey Began

Narayan’s journey into cycling was sparked in April 2013. During a casual conversation with his uncle, he learned about the Tour of Nilgiris (TfN) and the rigorous weekend training involved. This conversation was a wake-up call for Narayan, who realized, “You are in your 30s and doing nothing except working. If this type of lazy lifestyle continues, for sure will get some or the other lifestyle disease in next 5-6 years.” Motivated by this thought, he purchased a cycle from Decathlon, much like many beginners, and thus began his cycling journey, restarting a passion from his high school days.

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The Varied World of Cycling

Cycling encompasses various categories such as races, randonneuring (long-distance unsupported endurance cycling), recreational rides, organized cycling tours, commuting, off-road cycling, and BMX cycling. Narayan’s interest lies primarily in recreational rides and organized cycling tours, especially given the time constraints of his professional life. “Since I’m in my 40s, I’m primarily interested in recreational rides and organized cycling tours. I used to do randonneuring but now stopped because of time constraints. Every year I cycle around 5000-7000 km and try to do one multi-day tour annually,” Narayan explains.

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Health Benefits of Cycling

Narayan often receives inquiries about the health benefits of cycling, to which he enthusiastically responds, “Yes, there are many. It is good for lungs, blood circulation, heart, etc. Also, it is a very good stress buster.” He emphasizes the importance of investing in properly sized equipment and consulting with bike experts to avoid injuries such as knee or back pain. Regular maintenance, such as proper lubing of the chain and changing worn-out tires, also contributes to a smoother cycling experience.

Narayan Hegde
“People ask me, do you find any health benefits? Yes, there are many. It is good for the lungs, blood circulation, heart, etc. Also, it is a very good stress buster. To get the most of these benefits, one should invest in right-sized equipment and get it fixed by a good bike expert. One should not confuse old school Hercules/Hero cycles. Otherwise, you will end up with injuries like knee pain, back pain, etc. Apart from this, periodic maintenance like proper lubing of the chain and changing worn-out tires will make this journey better.”

Tips for Aspiring Cyclists

For those new to cycling, Narayan offers several practical tips. “With an advanced cycle, invest in a good helmet!” he says. “When you fall, your head will be protected. When cycling at night or early morning, always use front and rear lights and wear reflective jackets or straps.” He also advises carrying extra tubes and puncture kits for emergencies, riding with like-minded friends for motivation, and adhering to traffic rules by using hand signals and riding in the leftmost lane. Proper clothing is also essential; Narayan recommends avoiding jeans or thick cotton shorts in favor of quick-dry sports clothing or cycling-specific attire.

The Joys of Cycling

Cycling is more than just a physical activity for Narayan; it is a way to connect with the world around him. “Cycling is a nice activity. You get a chance to visit different places, meet different people, and witness the beauty of nature, which you miss when you are in a car or on a bike.” This feeling epitomizes what many cyclists experience—a unique sense of freedom and a deep connection to the natural world.

Last Peg

Narayan’s story is a testament to the transformative power of cycling. From a wake-up call in his 30s to becoming a seasoned recreational cyclist, his journey underscores the importance of staying active and pursuing passions outside of work. For anyone considering taking up cycling, Narayan’s advice and experiences offer a valuable guide to starting and maintaining a rewarding cycling journey.

Pictures Credit: Narayan Hegde & Tour of Karnatataka

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