Ravindra Hegde, a dedicated beekeeper who has overcome numerous challenges, now successfully produces 550-600 kg of honey annually.

Last Updated on August 22, 2024

A curious 10-year-old boy followed his father into the dense forest, learning to locate and harvest bee families from trees and anthills. Now grown up, his early observations and curiosity have transformed him into a successful beekeeper. Ravindra Hegde‘s inspiring journey, shared with the Gamana News Team, is sure to captivate you!

Ravindra Hegde Santemane, an arecanut farmer from Sirsi in the Uttara Kannada district of India, has been deeply connected with nature and honey bee harvesting from a young age. His journey began in childhood, observing his father, Venkatramana Hegde, as he skillfully harvested honey bees from tree holes and anthills.

Ravindra’s persistence has paid off; his journey is far from over, and he continues to expand his knowledge

A Childhood Immersed in Nature

At just ten years old, Ravindra would walk silently behind his father, soaking in the sounds and smells of the forest. While he didn’t fully understand the intricacies of nature then, his keen observations and attentive listening laid the foundation for his deep appreciation and understanding of the natural world. Venkatramana’s daring methods of harvesting bees intrigued young Ravindra. His father’s bravery and expertise inspired Ravindra’s curiosity, leading him to delve deeper into the world of forest bees.

From Curiosity to Expertise

Over the years, Ravindra’s interest grew, and he became adept at recognizing the buzzing of bees around his farm, which bordered a dense forest. Following the bees into the forest became an adventurous pursuit for the young boy. By the age of 28, Ravindra accomplished a significant feat: he captured bees from an anthill hole in the forest all on his own, emulating his father’s techniques. Living in the Western Ghats, Ravindra knew every corner of the forest intimately. What began as a fear of touching the bees transformed into a meditative practice for him. This pivotal moment marked the beginning of his journey into honey bee farming.

For Ravindra, a deep nature enthusiast, beekeeping is more than a profession—it’s a form of meditation

Reflecting on his journey, Ravindra shares, “My journey into honey bee farming began at the age of 23, but the learning started in my childhood alongside my father. As a child, we had 2-3 bee boxes at home, which my father took care of. He would read books related to farming and honey bees, and I would watch him closely. Every February, I followed my father into the forest to harvest honey, and he would bring back a bee family in a box.”

Understanding Different Bee Species

In India, four main types of bees are commonly recognized: Apis dorsata, Apis cerana indica, European bees, and Melipona bees.Apis dorsata, known for its large size, can be found on big tree branches, forming massive colonies. Apis cerana indica, often residing in tree holes and anthills, prefers dark, secluded places and is highly sensitive to light. European bees share a similar preference for darkness. Melipona bees, small in size, form large families that also thrive in dark environments. Another species of bees, Apis florea, builds single combs and prefers to live in open areas. Of these, all except Apis dorsata are suitable for safe farming.

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Ravindra Hegde Santemane’s first encounter with an Apis Cerana Indica colony ignited a passion for beekeeping that transformed into a lifelong pursuit. Initially driven by curiosity, Ravindra delved into studying bee behavior, life cycles, and the nuances of beekeeping. His knowledge expanded through extensive reading on bee cultivation and farming.

Wow! You can’t miss the purest honey from Ravindra’s Bee Farm!

“Bee farming requires a lot of patience. I did not start this as a business; it began out of curiosity. Curiosity built a relationship with the bees, and this relationship turned into my meditation. Meditation is the most powerful experience I feel every day with my bees. As a result, I harvest honey for my family and others,” Ravindra reflects on his profound connection with bees.

Challenges and Triumphs in Beekeeping

Ravindra’s arecanut farm, located about 15 kilometers from Sirsi, became a haven for his beekeeping endeavors. His wife, Vandana Hegde, shares his enthusiasm for honey bee farming. Their 15-year-old son, much like Ravindra in his youth, keenly observes the bees, continuing the family tradition.

However, Ravindra’s journey with Apis cerana indica was not without challenges. After establishing 2-4 bee boxes on his farm, he expanded to 8-10 boxes, producing an impressive 100 kg of pure honey within a year. Yet, he soon noticed behavioral changes in the bees; they began abandoning their boxes. Initially perplexed, Ravindra later realized that Apis cerana indica is extremely sensitive to environmental changes and had likely contracted a contagious disease. Apart from this, this variety of bees belong to the forests of the Western Ghats, or as he calls it, Malnad bees. He understood that they usually stick to their selected habitats.

Vandana Hegde, Ravindra’s wife, is actively involved in the beekeeping process.

Ravindra observed that forest bees do not settle just anywhere; the selection of the site is crucial. ” I felt like I had failed when the Apis cerana indica bees abandoned their hives. Many days were spent walking through the forest to find these bees, only to see them disappear. Before they left, it was a memorable time for me and my family, watching the bees fly around the flowers and bring sustenance to their colony. It was the best moment. But we cannot control nature; it has its own remote control.”

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Undeterred, Ravindra continued his studies and, with advice from fellow beekeeper Dharmendra Hegde, sought out Red Mason Bees. This variety of bees usually stick to a particular habitat, and if we change the spot or place, they will not go away. Trusting Dharmendra’s recommendation, he acquired a box of Red Mason Bees from North Karnataka.

Expansion and Success

Ravindra Hegde’s beekeeping venture saw significant growth as he expanded his Red Mason Bee colonies. Starting with just a few boxes, he gradually increased the number to around 100. Within 2-3 years, he and his wife Vandana had developed over 200 boxes, which were strategically placed across their farmland and at friends’ and relatives’ properties near the forest. This distribution allowed the bees to access a diverse range of flowers, enhancing the quality of honey produced.

“Placing all the boxes in one field could lead to food shortages for the bees. By relocating some boxes to different farms, the bees benefited from a richer variety of food sources provided by the surrounding vegetation. This approach resulted in a remarkable honey yield of approximately 550 to 600 kg per year, an achievement we’re proud of. Placing all the boxes in one field could lead to food shortages for the bees. By relocating some boxes to different farms, the bees benefited from a richer variety of food sources provided by the surrounding vegetation. This approach resulted in a remarkable honey yield of approximately 550 to 600 kg per year, an achievement we’re proud of.”

He credits his wife Vandana for her dedicated support in managing the hives and traveling to oversee their condition. Learning from his uncle Sitaram Hegde, also a beekeeper, Ravindra emphasizes the importance of identifying and managing diseases in bees. “Understanding bee behavior and promptly addressing any health issues is crucial,” he notes.

A Meditation and a Livelihood

Today, Ravindra Hegde is a thriving beekeeper who continues to explore and learn. He describes his beekeeping experience as a form of meditation. “Caring for the bees and harvesting honey is deeply fulfilling. I find joy in their daily routines and the honey we produce,” he shares. The honey harvest typically occurs in March, April, and May, with Ravindra participating in various agricultural events to connect with potential buyers.

Bottled Fresh for You: Ready to Enjoy the Purest Honey!

Ravindra offers a range of pure forest honey, with prices varying between Rs. 650 to Rs. 2000. Customers often seek specific varieties, such as honey from bees that feed on Soap Nut (Sapindus Emarginatus) tree flowers, known for its unique flavor and color, priced at Rs. 2000 and above, depending on the quantity.

Advice for Aspiring Beekeepers

When asked for advice for new beekeepers, Ravindra advises starting with passion rather than financial gain. “Passion for beekeeping will ultimately lead to success and rewards. Understand the bees, dedicate time to their care, and treat them with love. If you seek meditation, you can create your own tranquil space with bees instead of going to a yoga center.”

Ravindra’s son is now following in his footsteps, showing a keen interest in beekeeping

Ravindra has established his brand, RVS Honey, and sells bee colonies as well. His products are sought after across India, with customers from Bangalore, Mumbai, and beyond. Ravindra Hegde’s journey is a powerful example of how dedication and a deep connection with nature can lead to extraordinary success. To appreciate Ravindra’s beekeeping efforts, please contact +91 9845093170 (INDIA).

Pictures Credit: Ravindra Hegde Santemane

7 thoughts on “Buzzing Zen: How Beekeeping Became a Meditation for Ravindra Hegde”
  1. When youngsters are enmass leaving their villages in search of white collar jobs and getting lost in cities, Mr Ravindra’s conviction that one can make positive change in one’s own village is exemplary and inspiring. It only needs dedication, persistence and never give up attitude. He has also done remarkable progress in cultivation of vanilla, pepper and cocoa diversifying his cash crops and getting positive results. By following his passion for bee keeping he has not only found a reliable income source for himself but he has silently contributed immensely in nature’s well being in the surrounding. Well maintained and healthy bee colonies undoubtedly speak about the health of the nature in the surrounding!! Happy to know that he has also inspired many youngsters to start bee keeping. In the world full of adulterered foods, pure honey produced by Mr Ravinda and family is a remarkable achievement. More successes to him!!

  2. Amazing story!! Inspirational, especially for youngsters!! When the world is noticing the impact of pollinator loss, people like Ravindra are the saviours. Kudos to him!! Wish him a great success!!

  3. V good n great work u PPL r doing
    Keep it up
    Please share ur number so that we can get pure honey from you

  4. I have relished his product and also vouch for his passion for bee keeping. He is blessed to have such wonderful family supporting his endeavours.

  5. I had an opportunity to spend few days with Ravindra and family. They were very memorable and enriching. His knowledge of forest, insects and snakes is also amazing. I wish him more success in his nature friendly profession.

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